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Qure.ai on Amazon Web Services
Qure's ability to deliver healthcare solutions are enhanced by AWS
Qure AI delivers their services to the clients at a blistering pace due to the highly available, secure and scalable solutions provided by AWS. Many Healthcare organisations across the globe operating at urban as well as remote localities have held hands with Qure AI to make healthcare more accessible and accurate.  

Amazon Web Services Used

AWS Cloud Formation
Use AWS CloudFormation via the browser console, command line tools or APIs to create a stack based on your template code
Amazon ECR
Publish containerized applications with a single command and easily integrate your self-managed environments
Amazon CloudFront
Caches and serves static and dynamic content
Amazon Relational Database Service
Set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud with just a few clicks
Amazon S3
Object storage built to store and retrieve any amounts of data from anywhere
Amazon SNS
Fully managed Pub/Sub messaging and event-driven computing services
Amazon Route 53 Authoritative DNS Service
Returns IP addresses for DNS records queried by the DNS resolver

Benefits with AWS

Cost effective
Highly Capable