Published 18 Apr 2024

Union 2023 Fireside Chat with Dr. Ersin Topcuoglu



Dr. Shibu Vijayan and Dr. Ersin discuss strategies and challenges in tuberculosis (TB) control, emphasizing the shift from individual symptom-based approaches to broad public health strategies, including mass screening and targeted interventions. They explore the progression from controlling to potentially eliminating TB, comparing it to other diseases like neonatal tetanus and polio, and underscore the importance of utilizing advanced tools like AI-powered digital X-ray and molecular diagnostics.
 Dr. Shibu Vijayan introduces Dr. Ersin, Senior Portfolio Director at URC, who has extensive global experience in TB control programs. Dr. Ersin reflects on the evolution of TB control and the challenges faced in shifting from disease control to elimination. 
Key Points of Discussion 
 - Challenges in TB Control: Dr. Ersin outlines the hierarchical public health interventions from control to extermination, noting that TB control is still in its early stages, particularly in moving towards disease elimination without effective vaccines. 
 - Importance of Redefining Approaches: They discuss the need to move away from symptom-based approaches, which miss many TB cases, towards comprehensive public health strategies that include mass screening and targeting geographic and demographic hotspots. 
 - Role of Modern Technologies: The conversation highlights the significant role of AI-powered digital X-ray and molecular diagnostics in improving TB detection and management. These tools facilitate targeted mass screenings and help identify individuals at risk of developing TB, even in the absence of symptoms. 
 - Evidence and Success Stories: Dr. Ersin references successful TB control efforts in various countries post-World War II and more recent strategies like those in Vietnam, which have shown promising results through repeated, targeted mass screening. 
 The discussion concludes with Dr. Ersin advocating for a continuous, targeted approach to TB screening using advanced diagnostic tools to create "islands of elimination." This approach aims to significantly reduce TB incidence and move closer to elimination, despite the current lack of an effective vaccine. The talk reinforces the need for a strategic shift in public health tactics to tackle TB more effectively at a population level. 

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