Meet Diane, a 60-year-old from Glasgow, whose persistent cough led to an early stage 2 lung cancer discovery using Qure’s AI solution, qXR. From an AI-flagged observation of a potential lung nodule, Diane’s chest X-ray was prioritized within hours, sending her to a CT scan for confirmation, revealing an early-stage lung cancer diagnosis.
Her story, shared alongside Dr. John MacLay, Respiratory Consultant at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and Dr. Katriona Brooksbank, R&I Lead, West of Scotland Innovation Hub, highlights the power of AI in transforming patient outcomes. By fast-tracking her diagnosis and enabling timely treatment, Diane’s story underscores the life-saving potential of early detection through AI-driven innovation.
This patient case demonstrates how’s solutions are not just advancing healthcare but giving patients like Diane a fighting chance against lung cancer.